Christians in Rhthym Concert

Sunday, January 5, 2025

3:30 PM

at Howard Christian Church

A Typical Week at Howard Christian Church!

Sunday School will be 9:00-9:40 AM
Worship Hour will be 10:00-11:00 AM

              - Youth and Adults in the Main Worship Center (Sanctuary)

              - Kids Church (1st-5th grade) start with the adults and move to the Youth Building

              - Nursery (infant-5 years old) in the main building downstairs

Sunday Evening Ladies Bible Study - February & March 6:00 PM in the Main Sanctuary and Online

Wednesday Nights at 7:00 PM: 

              - Jr. & Sr. High Youth Group

              - In-Depth Study 1 Corinthians - Adult Lesson

              - Elementary Youth Programs

Hope to See You There!!!

Also: Thank you for visiting our website. We pray it will give you a glimpse of our church. Howard Christian Church is a place of healing, renewal and community for Spiritual Formation.. We make it our goal to make you feel welcome and if possible, you will make time to stop by Howard Christian Church and possibly make HCC your church family.

Worship 10 AM & 

Sunday School 9 AM

Facebook Live and will continue to broadcast the service.

"Open for Worship" - These guidelines will be reviewed weekly.

  1.  Howard Christian Church worship service will be a touchless experience. A thorough sanitation process will be performed in high-volume areas after each event. Facebook Live and will continue to broadcast the service.
  2. All doors will be unlocked and open for entering and exiting.
  3. Additional hand-sanitizing stations will be placed throughout the worship entrance and in the sanctuary. Please wash your hands and sanitize regularly.
  4. Disposable communion will be available as people enter the service.  
  5. The offering will be touchless. Offering plates are located at the doors and available to receive gifts upon arrival or during departure. Online at and mail-in services remain in place. 
  6. Masks are optional for those in attendance. Please be responsible and we respect any person who chooses to wear a mask. 
  7. If you do not feel well, have a temperature of 100 degrees or higher, have health concerns, or high-risk issues, please stay home. Please know that we love you, and it is your health we cherish. If you need assistance, please contact any of the church leadership.