Leadership Connection


    Donald (Don) Crane became a Christian at the age of 10 years old. He was raised in Central California and raised in a Christian home.  

    Don was ordained into Christian Ministry in 1994. He holds degrees from Hope International University and Johnson University. His places of employments are Fountain Valley First Christian Church (1992-1995) Fountain Valley, CA; Smoky Mountain Christian Church (1995-2001) Sevierville, TN; Gethsemane Church of Christ (2001-2006) Mechanicsville, VA; and Park Chapel Christian Church (2006-2013) Greenfield, IN. On November 3rd, 2013, Don joined the staff of Howard Christian Church as the lead minister. 

    He holds degrees from Hope International University (Music), Johnson University (BS in Leadership & MA in New Testament Research), and Cabrini University (Marketing) and is currently a Ph.D. Candidate with Cappella University (Education). Mr. Crane is skilled with verbal and non-verbal communication with specialties in Biblical studies, public speaking, visual storytelling, and social media marketing. As an ordained minister with the independent Christian Church/Church of Christ, Don has served churches in CA, TN, VA, IN, and PA. His ministry abilities and skills empower believers to be genuine, authentic, and passionate in their faith while telling a visual story with their lives that penetrates the noise of modern society.


                In addition to his work with the church, Mr. Crane has taught at Lock Haven University and is currently an instructor at Central PA Institute for Science and Technology. He is married to Karen. Karen is the building assistant and librarian at Howard Elementary. They have five children. Their four boys have Down Syndrome. Their daughter is typically developing but unique in every way. His volunteer passions are with the Centre Region Down Syndrome Society & coaching challenger baseball.


                Mr. Crane’s favorite quote is from C.S. Lewis – “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but to think of yourself less” and scripture is from John 9:3 Neither this man nor his parents sinned, said Jesus, but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.

  • Danielle Michael

    Danielle Michael is on staff as the Youth Director at Howard Christian Church She grew up in Harrisburg, PA, went to University of Delaware for her undergrad degree and then moved to Centre County to complete her masters at Penn State. She met her husband, Wade at the university and fell in love with the more rural lifestyle. She has 2 step children, Jacob and Abby and little weiner dog, Sammi. Danielle was raised in the Presbyterian church and attended camp in the summer at Camp Krislund. 

    Danielle likes swimming, physical fitness, gardening, cooking, watching sports and meeting new people. She was the coach of the Bald Eagle Lady Eagles junior high soccer team for 6 years. She works at Mount Nittany Medical Center as a Registered Dietitian. 

    Contact Information: youth@howardchristianchurch.org

    Cell: 814-883-0758


    Nancy is a very talented addition to our staff. She is also the leader of our children's department. Nancy is married to Wayne and they have six children.


    Kathleen works at keeping the church clean and prepared for events throughout the week. She is married to Keith and they have four children: two boys and twin girls.

  • Elders

    Jeromy Knepp (2025)

    Bill Hargenrader (2026)

  • Trustees

    Creigh Frazier (2025)

    Joe Bechdel (2026)

    John Rougeux (2027)

    Dave Bowes (2028)

  • Deacons

    Bill Hargenrader (2025)

    Jeff Snyder (2026)

    Wayne Fishburn (2027)

    Creigh Frazier (2027)

    Tanner Fishburn (2028)

    Brad Kustanbauter (2028)

  • Sylvan Hills Camp Reps

    Wayne Fishburn (2025)

    Patsy Rouguex (2025)

    Tanner Fishburn (2025)

    John Rouguex (2025)

    Don Crane (minister)